July 2, 2024

Race & Reason

#1 show of its day on cable access TV throughout the United States… Shows since 1984… dedicated to free speech, racial and political discussion…a small island of free speech in a sea of controlled and managed news…

Tom Metzger

Tom Metzger 2011

Tom Metzger 2006 Media Interview

Tom Metzger Answers Questions Pt1 1998

Tom Metzger Answers Questions Pt2 1998

Tom Metzger Answers Questions Pt3 1998

Tom Metzger Answers Questions P4 1998

History of the White Student Union-Oprah show appearance and more

Tom Marcellus Institute for Historical Review

Joe Fields-Censored Opinion Editor of Harvard Newspaper

Tom Metzger 2008 on His History and Answers Questions by Viewers

Tom Metzger 2012 on War, Corporations and Running for Congress

Tom Metzger 2010 on State’s Rights and other Views

Tom Metzger Answers Questions 3/2009

Tom Metzger on WAR Positions

Eurofaith Religion Pt 2

Eurofaith Religion Pt 1

Susie Purtee Part 1

Susie Purtee Part 2

Whoopi Goldberg Show with Tom Metzger

Karl Hand

Kosher Food Racket

Mike Brown

Jonathan Boag 1

Jonathan Boag 2

Peter Peel

Wally George vs. Black Activist

Tom Metzger’s Views on Government Wars

Lone Wolves

Sylvester Hendricks Portland Radio

Questions for Tom Metzger

WAR Positions

Richard Cotten

Warren Folks


Evan McCollum

History of War 1

James Mason 1

James Mason 2

James Mason 3

Tom Metzger Answers Commonly Asked Questions 2 of 2

Tom Metzger Answers Commonly Asked Questions 1 of 2

David McCalden

Henry Corey

JB Stoner

Poinsett 1

Poinsett 2

Poinsett 3